Debut Edition I think that… the twenty-four-hour news-show talking heads should be replaced with everyday people like me and you, who can also say, I think that… Also I think that… the majority of the opinion writers in every single media platform should be replaced with halfway competent, fairly intelligent writers, like me and maybe you, who can also write the words I think that… then blabber on and on about some inconsequential subject. Hell, I am a news junky who can poke around the internet all day, squandering hundreds of hours of precious time that sadly I’ll never get back — all the while deluding myself that I’m researching worthy subjects, but in truth I’m filling my head with junk that thoroughly distresses and upsets me. And I think that… that qualifies me as much as those who, on a daily basis, manufacture complete dreck and are handsomely paid for it. Have you, and I think that… you have, noticed the embarrassing opinion writers and camera hogs who were hired solely to have the opposite view of relatively, rational-minded pundits and writers, just to irritate us? I cancel those subscriptions. Or I change the station, and I think that… possibly, you do too. And I think that… they are useless minds who contribute nothing to the world’s problems, which need the best of the best of minds put to work right now to solve our dire climate dilemma. I also think that… those people should be banished from the media and not allowed to dirty up the airwaves or the internet or waste good paper ever again. I think that… it is crunch time for the planet. Don’t you? And I think that… the foolish clowns who contaminate our government, which they think that… it is there for entertainment purposes, should be heavily voted out of office and permanently ignored by the written, the digital, and the broadcast TV, media, and press. I think that… in fact, I am sure of this: retiring to Mexico eleven months ago saved my spiritual and emotional life. I was an activist for years in the States, and after getting my TV hooked up to watch US news (could not cold-turkey that yet), I saw how the press and media clearly have become an adversary to the American people. Sure, these observations likely hold true for other countries, but I only know and care about my country of origin (not oranges). Legally, in Mexico, you cannot, as an ex-pat, make Mexican politics any of your business. This fact makes me happy; I cannot worry about two countries at once, because I think that… the notion of multi-tasking is bullshit. Also, I think that… at this moment in time, Mexico’s politics are none of my business. Red lines in our lives can save us from problematic and possibly dangerous situations — especially when you’re an overly zealous person like me. I truly think that… the press, media, tech companies, and large corporations need a come to Jesus moment to grasp how instrumental they are in destroying our modern-day societies and our magnificent planet. Their collective powers could heal our societies and possibly save our planet, but I think that… it may be too late, and they may not give a damn. I think that… their only God — money, indisputably the root of all evil —will be humankind’s demise. Personally, I don’t have a problem with that because I think that… humans are basically too stupid to survive. It is all the other innocent, beautiful life I care about — animals, trees, plants, the ocean and its creatures that will go extinct along with us, which saddens and seriously depresses me. I have a question for the world’s big-shot companies, their shareholders, and the rich, corrupt politicians and their immoral billionaire donors. How much goddamn stuff do you people need? And are your souls so empty that you’re willing to gamble away your possible eternal lives, your grandchildren’s future, and our planet for power and jumbo-size yachts? I think that… many of those humans have no souls, so my question is pointless. Tell me, have you or anyone you know ever been called by a pollster and asked your opinion of our president? No? Me neither. I very much think that… Biden is doing a fabulous job, but the distorted press is determined not to give an accurate account of his accomplishments. Which is maddening because his success is our success. Yes, this is what I think… every damn word of it. |